A Superb Range of Guarantees!
Prices that are Affordable does not claim that our prices are the cheapest. But we do guarantee that the cost corresponds fairly with the exceptional quality of our writing service. Please feel free to refer to the “Price List” on our company’s website.
24/7 Online Support
We stick to our promise to deliver all papers in a timely manner. When you purchase essays or term papers from us, you will always get them by the deadline you specified. Our promise of on-time delivery is backed up by a solid “Money Back” guarantee. If, for any reason, we do not deliver your paper within the agreed timeframe, you may be eligible for a refund. Please refer to our company’s “Terms and Conditions” for further information on our refunds policy. Please bear in mind, however, that we do not often miss deadlines. In fact, our writers do everything possible to complete all papers within the specified time.
We Do Not Tolerate Plagiarism
Every essay, term paper, or other writing project you ask us to help with is freshly written from start to end. Additionally, every text is tested for plagiarism prior to being delivered to the person who orders it. Our company guarantees to provide you only with essays that are 100% custom-written. To reassure you that your written piece is original, our agents can provide you with a plagiarism report free-of-charge. In the event you believe your paper contains any element of plagiarism, you may apply to have the cost of your order refunded. However, we will require proof i.e. a reliable plagiarism report to show that our writer is responsible for the alleged plagiarism. Please remember that we only run authenticity tests on those sections that our own writers have completed.
The Finest Quality Writing
Whenever you entrust a writing project to, we demonstrate our appreciation of your order and our respect for you as our customer by providing a text that complies with the highest academic standards. Every paper is crafted by an extensively experienced and properly qualified professional writer; it is supported with the latest and most reliable evidence from peer-reviewed research sources, and correctly referenced.
Your Complete Satisfaction
Our company guarantees that you will be 100% satisfied with every paper you buy from In the event you think our writers have not adhered exactly to your instructions, you may request a revision so that the end product fully meets your requirements. Please note, however, that free revisions can only be requested for up to 2 days following the expiry of a deadline. Remember also that your revision instructions should not be altered from the instructions you originally provided.
Papers Always Delivered On time!
We hold ourselves responsible for delivering your papers punctually, so it is very unlikely you will receive a paper later than agreed.
In addition, do not forget about the option of free revisions!