Questions about our policies

I have not been happy with the quality of writing from other companies. Are you any better?

We have heard many complaints about other online essay writing services, and they do give us all a poor reputation. Our custom essay and paper service is quite different, however. We have a transparent process in which the customer is always involved, and we assign a single qualified writer to each project. Our custom writing essay and paper pros will conduct great research and produce an original work for each customer. We are trusted because we are ethical and we keep lines of communication open between us and our customers. Other companies only offer a cheap essay price with no quality or guarantees.

Is your company registered?

Yes, we are a registered company, and we have been in business under the same name for many years. Many other essay service companies, with questionable practices, will usually begin an online business, remain for a short time, close, and then open under another name. Such is not the case with Essays-Writing-Company.com.

Is your site safe for online ordering and payment?

Just as all major online retailers, we have encryption and firewalls in place that protect customer financial information during the ordering and payment process. No one will steal your card information when you buy papers here!

Can I use your service confidentially?

Our custom essay and paper service never reveals your personal information to anyone, even your writer. While others sell your information to advertisers and other online retailers, we do not. Further, no one will ever know that you have used our custom essay paper service.
Questions about our products and processes

What types of writing orders do you take?

We can offer help with essay and paper writing on any topic and at any grade level, because we employ a huge number of academic writers from all disciplinary fields of study and with degrees from Bachelor's through Ph.D.'s. Simple or complex, short or long, we can handle it all!

How will I know that you can complete my custom order?

We have yet to see an order that we cannot complete with quality and integrity. While other companies are busy throwing orders to anyone who will take them, we are busy accumulating the writing staff to produce every type of assignment, from basic essays to dissertations, in all content fields, with original research and writing. Our competition is really not competition, because they cannot guarantee a qualified writer and access to the most current and relevant libraries for research. We have become the best essay and paper service on the web, because we have the best writers and the best research resources.

What qualifications do your writers have?

Only academics with verifiable degrees and experience in academic writing can write for us. We have a strict screening and employment process that guarantees writers are exactly who they say they are. They have, collectively, degrees in all major fields of study at the high school, college and graduate levels, and only writers at a degree level above the customer's academic level may be assigned to that customer's order. We also employ editors who check every written work before it is sent to a customer.

How will I know that you have a writer for my specific order?

Occasionally, we may receive an order that is rare or unique. This usually occurs with graduate projects in some highly specialized areas. It may take a bit more time to locate the correct writer, but we will always keep the customer informed. We have almost a thousand writers, categorized according to degree specialty and level, so it generally does not take more than a few hours to find the right one.

What if you can't fulfill my custom essay order?

As stated above, we have never received an order that we have not been able to complete, because of the varied and wonderful backgrounds of our professional writers. Even the most difficult and complex research project will find a "home" at Essays-Writing-Company.com – a "home" with a perfectly qualified expert to complete it. When other companies know that they cannot fill an order, they simply access databases of essays and papers on the topic and cut and paste one – this is horrible business and horrific for the customer. If ever we were to receive an order that we were not comfortable filling, we would let the client know immediately. Honesty and integrity are standard practices here!