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Social Agents

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Essentially, social groups form the large portion of the socializing agents. This study intends to examine the extent to which the social agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social injustice. The role of social agents is fundamental, because they aid in defining the position of individuals or humanity in the society and more significantly understanding themselves. The initial social agent is a family. A family has direct impact on the personal perception of the world, values, and beliefs (Brown & Duguid, 2000). It is imperative to note that a family makes its influence through the sole responsibility of providing for both basic and secondary needs. This kind of influence is usually anticipated to create dissimilarity amongst other families. Either this situation or self-esteem contributes to an institutionalized system of injustice in the provision of needs in the wider society. The aspect of self-esteem has continuously increased the social competition; consequently, the gap of social injustice rose.

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Moreover, the element of peer groups and acquaintances has a big influence on the people’s identity. This study reveals that peer group influence is comparable to that emanating from the family (Brown & Duguid, 2000). This is because the magnitude of the ties is almost similar. However, the peers that are seen in churches, schools, and other social places are said to be secondary agents, because they do not have direct contact and any direct impact. This creates a social imbalance, because the peer influence differs from one group to another thus making the immense contribution to social inequality.

Furthermore, the media form the greatest component of social influence because of a sole reason of reaching a large audience. It is imperative to note that the social media creates social imbalance in diverse ways, which include the manner of presenting to the audience. Superiority and inferiority in social media presentation creates social inequality. In conclusion, there is immense influence of social agents towards the state of social justice or injustice.

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