Diverse Voices from the Field
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Compare and Contrast the Findings
The article ‘Diverse Voices from the Field’ by Newton-Francis (2009) focuses on research methodology, inquirers and context of the research. It embraces and integrates marginalized population as a source of rich diversity in data collection. Understanding comparison in criminal justice research’, this article uses positivist and interpretive approaches in an attempt to understand the comparison in crime and justice. In the article, Understanding comparison in criminal justice research, Travers (2008) argues that in social science philosophical, positivism underpins numerous empirical studies. Positivism measures variables as in natural science, thus individual views are not vital and are erroneous as in live hidden forces that shape constrained lives are not constantly understood.
Travers (2008) explores the influence of interpretive philosophies regarding social science for carrying out comparative research. He addressed the meaningful character realized in human activities. Unlike the other article by Newton-Francis (2009), which applied qualitative feminist methods, Travers (2008), applied qualitative methods to evaluate and discuss statistical variations. In his article, he expressed that interpretive traditions finds it hard to get free from positivist assumptions.
Unlike Travers (2008) who did not allow offenders to raise their feelings, Newton-Francis (2009) created room for discussion. Offenders raised their opinions regarding identification of theft where they included heightened sensitivity, social skills, general knowledge, and technical knowledge.
Newton-Francis (2009) embraces and integrates marginalized population as a source of the rich diversity in data collection. On the contrary, Travers (2008) applied positivist and interpretive approaches in an attempt to understand the comparison in crime and justice. Newton-Francis (2009) emphasized on research methods, which explore various frameworks and methodological approaches, thus, enriching and promoting the understanding of honesty, justice and crime.
Both Joanne and Hillary point out that personal identity, beliefs, and life experience have impacts on criminal justice. However, Shana dispels the myth of one being from the study population group and advocates for conduct of study while being opposite to research subjects. This deals with differences in research procedure and setting. Criminal justice research is dominated by quantitative measures. However, qualitative methods are more advanced in the research.
Diversity of the inquirers brings in effectiveness and enriches the research. The public debate and policy is shaped by utility of sociological perspective. McCorkel demonstrates that social structural issues of class and race are linked to behavior, hence, should be well thought-out when dealing with violence and penalty. Site of inquiry brings in issues of inter-sectionals with femininity. It demonstrates the value of diversity in approaching critical issues effecting change.
Unlike Travers (2008), Newton-Francis (2009) is for the idea of women empowerment and recognition as well as thinking beyond and ahead punitive model. He argues that in social science philosophical positivism supports several experimental studies. This means that it should pursue comparative research to facilitate experiments and enable logic explanations as used in natural science. However, it fails to answer the question of deviation in a pattern of different cultures and historical periods.
The similarity that lies between the two articles is that they have a well-elaborated overview on criminal justice. As noted by Newton-Francis (2009), miller offers an excellence resource that effectively exposes students particularly to career paths that may not have considered or accounts for promise degree. Travers (2008) supported this and described the way legal systems are developed. Both the articles focus on data collection and analysis, exploring various experimental designs and methodology as far as criminal justice is concerned. This includes measurement of natural science variables in positivism. In both articles diversity is encouraged to bring in effectiveness and enrich the research. Both articles look beyond over reliance on quantitative methods and pervasive myths, institutionalized policies, racism as well as sexism, which discourages crime activities. Millers look at bringing humanity into the center of interest as one of the utmost strengths.
There is a similarity view between the two authors on the prevailing over-reliance on quantities methods to institutionalize racism and sexism as well as pervasive myths. They both persuade researchers to center on more complex methods of facilitating criminal impartiality. For instance, Travers (2008) urges researchers not to rely just on the commonsense knowledge. He advised that common knowledge varies between individuals and societies meaning that it cannot be used as standard measures. He advocated for the construction of scientific theories that can be refined and created through analyzing and collecting official statistics. Similarly, Newton-Francis (2009) argues that researches should not only rely on policies that tend to reproduce crime and do nothing to reduce it.

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